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A powerful gemstone that calms negative emotions, and strengthen the feeling of love.


Brings Serenity, purity and Wisdom.


Protects from negative energy and awakens consciousness .


Boosts your confidence and providing power of true expression


This stone calms your mind and is excellent for sleep or meditation.  Improving memory and stimulates desire for knowledge.

Ocean Jasper

Encouraging seeing the positive look on life, and letting go of the negative.


Takes away fear and creates positive energy around you. Stimulates self confidence and perseverance.


Will protect you from negative influences, and should protect you from certain physical and mental health problems

Rutilated Quartz

Illuminating the soul, stimulates spiritual growth.  cleanses and energises the aura. Draws off negative energy. 

Freshwater Pearl

Increases Peacefulness, Stress and Anxiety Relief, Higher Self Esteem, Brings Inner Beauty & Dignity, Provides Soothing Energy, Brings out Purity, Increases Honesty and Integrity

Strawberry Quartz

has the ability to amplify your intentions of love, appreciation, and generosity.

Mother of Pearl

A protective stone that relieves you from stress and keeps you calm and relaxed.


Gives you Relaxation and tranquility. Great stone to enlarge your creativity.

Tiger eye

A protective stone which is also very stabilizing and grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower& self-confidence. A stone that enhances good luck and brings prosperity.


This stone will enhance your mental clarity, confidence, and willpower. 


brings your mind to order and calmness;  encouraging rational thinking, objectivity, truth and intuition.  Sodalite brings emotional balance

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